Free Digital Menus For Restaurants

3 min readAug 21, 2021

It is often said that it’s never too late. To be honest, it is true. It is the will inside us that decides our future. The broadness of our mind and its dynamic convenience builds the wall of success.

Being a restaurant owner, you must have come across the phase where identifying the path to further growth became difficult. It is either too expensive or just not worth it. It feels like a trap to keep functioning in the same scenario.

What if we said that walking down on one of those paths is now possible? Yes, the path to further growth. It is calling you with hands open so wide that it costs nothing.

Free Digital Menus for Restaurants

A Digital Menu, an extremely convenient form of the menu. This is the most awaited way of growth in the food and beverages industry. Home-delivery digital menus are in existence for a long time, but a QR-based digital menu for the restaurant is the new approach. As mentioned earlier that it costs nothing, getting a digital menu with “Digimenu” will cost you nothing. Digimenu takes a few steps to complete the process at no cost. There is no commission charged before or after the service has been provided.

Advantages of a Digital Menu

Digital Menu has a variety of advantages for both the restaurant owner and the customers. Let’s discuss them in the following points:

A)For restaurant owners:

· Elimination of chaos and confusion: A digital menu guarantees correct details of the order. It leads to the elimination of chaos and confusion.

Quick and smooth service: The above point allows the restaurant workers to function smoothly. The QR code is always placed on the table so the customers don’t have to wait for the waiter. It makes quick service available in the restaurant.

Maintains social distancing: A digital menu provides complete access to practicing social distancing in the restaurant. After the 2020 pandemic, it has been made clear that social distancing and sanitizing are the necessities of life.

Better marketing strategy: From accessing the menu to the placement of the order, everything takes place digitally with this digital menu method. It gives access to the details of customers provided at the time of order placement. They can be used for better marketing strategies such as a customized menu for customers, special updates in the menu, everyday specials can be notified to the customers, etc.

Growth together: Digimenu’s initial motive is to make things easy for its users. Along with ease, it gives you a way to grow and succeed. Becoming a part of this initiative will help us both grow together.

B) For customers:

Control: With a QR code in hand, the customer stays in the place of control in the restaurant. Being available to the customer online in the restaurant gives them control of the process of food ordering.

Convenience: Being able to access the menu and place orders on fingertips makes the customer feel convenient. The privacy attached along with the QR code increases the convenience for the customers in the restaurant.

Social distancing: Social distancing works both ways. Along with the restaurant workers, the customers are distanced from the digital menu for hygienic purposes.

As mentioned in the first paragraph, a dynamic mindset builds the wall of success. With the new digital world, dynamize the way of running your business. It will build your next wall of success. It is never too late. In fact, it is too old to think that way. The world has moved forward from such stereotypical thinking long ago. Today is always the right time to make changes for a better future or to walk compatibly with the coming future trends.

Get a digital menu for your restaurant and be the attractive spot for dining in the town. Let your business measure the broadness of your mind. Let it handle the goodwill of your business. A digital menu is the next best upgradation that you’ll bring into your business.




DigiMenu is your own digital menu card which allows hassle-free and contactless dining experience for all the restaurants, bars, cafes, hotels, etc, which is 10